If something terrible were to happen to you today, what is your last will and testament? You should not take any chances that your will won’t be done. No one has a genie that can snap his fingers and make everything alright. Don’t end up wishing you’d done more to help make things easier for your family and loved ones. Getting your will done will give you and them the peace of mind knowing that your will will be done. Call us today at (210) 745-0144 and ask to speak to an experienced will, probate, and estate planning attorney.
It is your will. Do you have questions?
No one likes to think about what will happen when they pass away, but making sure you know everything about your will is important. At The Coquat Law Firm we work to make sure our clients and their family are protected for the worst of times. We offer free consultations about wills and estate
planning. Call us today at (210) 745-0144.
Your will be done.
Making a Will online or Living Trust from a website might sound like a money saver, but this is a cheap way to make things expensive later on. Online Wills and Trusts tend to be more general, less complete and less tailored to your specific needs than a Will or Trust drafted by an experienced estate planning attorney. Some do not follow the constantly changing law and regulations that the State must follow. It is what the unexperienced estate planner fails to consider that causes the most harm. Don’t take any chances with your assets being controlled by the State instead of your wishes. Call us today at (210) 745-0144.
Beware of imposters.
This firm has seen numerous Will, Trust and Power of Attorney documents drafted by a paralegal neighbor, notary friend or helpful family member. Many of these documents were invalid or caused a result very different from the person’s wishes. Probate law is complicated. One cannot rely on common sense or a little bit of legal knowledge to draft your will effectively. No matter how many times that paralegal has helped an attorney draft a Will, remember that he or she was relying on an attorney’s expertise and legal education. Additionally, it is illegal for anyone other than a licensed attorney to practice law. Good intentions mean very little when it comes to poorly worded Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney. Your Will
or Trust is too important to put in the hands of someone who doesn’t have a thorough understanding of probate law. Don’t be afraid to ask questions before choosing someone to handle this important matter. Call us today at (210) 745-0144 to speak to an experienced probate, and estate planning attorney.